Eis a questão…e entre as várias respostas possíveis, vamos analisar o que um dos maiores especialistas do exercício físico - professor Charles Poliquin - tem a dizer acerca do assunto (em inglês).
“The best studies on hypertrophy have been done in Finland, and they found that wrestlers, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters all hypertrophy... but for different reasons. The most important thing for hypertrophy training is to actually do varied training. Look at Ronnie Coleman. He used to train as a powerlifter then he trained as a bodybuilder: varied training.
Look at pre-1980s bodybuilders, back when steroid usage was fairly light compared to today. Back then, they trained as part of a subculture with weightlifters and powerlifters. By society's standards, people who lifted weights were weirdoes. So all these people lifted in the same gyms and shared training methodologies.
The forgotten element of hypertrophy training today is the principle of overload. People don't try to lift heavier, they just double their drug dosage.
So, "going for the burn" and getting a pump with higher reps is one way to hypertrophy, but not the only way. For example, if I make you do eccentric squats and eccentric chins, you're going to put some weight on, but you don't have a burn.
Hypertrophy is a function of load vs. time under tension. Since it's a product, you can work at one end or the other, or both. Let's say you can squat 135 pounds for 10. Well, if you go on to squat 135 for 30, your legs will grow. But if, instead, you go on to squat 225 for 10, your legs will grow too, only for a different reason. And if you can eventually do 225 for 50, then your legs will really get big!
Both systems work.”
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